It’s hard to believe, but Brick Model Railroader is 5 Years old this year. Launched on December 30th, 2016 as a LEGO train news and informations website, BMR has grown to include a YouTube channel, a line of custom train instructions, and custom LEGO@ train accessories.

We’re are still committed to our original purpose of bringing you LEGO train news, showcasing awesome models built by those of you in the train community, bringing you informative articles on building techniques and layout design. Yes I know we’ve been quiet around here lately. Such is life, it sometimes takes you away from things you should be doing. But we ready to get back into the groove of writing some great articles for you. There is some exciting stuff coming up in the hobby this year, and we want to be there to share it with you.
Now let’s cover some of the other cool things coming to BMR.
BMR 5th Anniversary Swag
So you’ve seen our special 5th Anniversary logo above. Well you’ll be seeing it around a lot this year, and even have the chance to own some cool BMR 5th Anniversary items. We have one very special 5th Anniversary item coming for you in June, but we’re keeping that one under wraps until then. Trust us, it’s going to be awesome. In the meantime, we got some swag for you.
Did you know you can now buy BMR shirts and other swag? We’ve teamed up with Printify, an on demand printing service to bring you some cool items to show off your love of BMR.

And now, for this year only, we’ve added some BMR 5th Anniversary logo gear. These items will only be around to the end of this year, so if you want them get them now. They will be gone January 1st.

2022 NMRA National Train Show

The National Train Show® was established in 1988 by the National Model Railroad Association as a nationally sponsored combined industry trade show and public train show to promote the hobby of model railroading. The 2022 National Train Show is held in conjunction with the national convention of the NMRA in St. Louis, MO.
2022 National Train Show
WHEN: Friday, August 12, 2022 thru Sunday, August 14, 2022
WHERE:The Gateway Convention Center
1 Gateway Drive
Collinsville, IL 62234
NTS Website:
This year there will be an L-Gauge Modular Standard (LGMS) LEGO train layout on display at the National Train Show. To commemorate this event, Brick Model Railroader is producing a Limited Edition Premium Instruction Kit for the show.
St Louis Refrigerator Car Co. 36ft Beer Car NMRA 2022 National Train Show Premium Instructions

The St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company (SLRX) was a private refrigerator car line established on February 3, 1878, by Anheuser-Busch brewing company. SLRX was formed to facilitate large-scale distribution of Anheuser-Busch’s products via the U.S. rail network. The SLRX not only built its own bunkerless reefers, but maintained and operated them as well.
In 1919 the firm was acquired by Manufacturers Railway Company (MRS), another Anheuser-Busch transportation subsidiary that provided switching service to the brewery and interchange connection with the common carrier railroads serving St. Louis.

BMR’s Limited Edition model faithfully recreates one of the Iconic cars of the St Louis Car Company. This 36ft bunkerless refrigerator car was used from 1913 through to the 1950s. Our model represents this car in its post World War II scheme with white cars sides, an enlarged emblem, and a maroon stripe along the bottom of the car side.

For this model we are offering the choice of decals printed by OKBrickworks, or a printed parts upgrade on new, genuine parts printed by BrickForge. One decal set, or printed part set will be included in each instruction kit. Each decal or printed part set will come with an individual car number so that no two cars will have the same car number. We are also offering extra decal sets and printed part sets for those who want to build more than one car.
This is Limited Edition Model and will only be available for a one time run of Instruction kits. Pre orders for this model will be taken starting today May 31st 2022, and end on Midnight EST July 4th 2022. Once pre orders close, Instruction Kits will be produced to fill those orders. Expected shipping date will be late July to mid August.
Be sure to order your copy of this special model at the link bellow before it’s gone for good.
St Louis Refrigerator Car Company NMRA 2022 National Train Show Products
BMR is Going to Brickworld

In June, Brick Model Railroader will be attending Brickworld Chicago on June 15 – 19, 2022. I will be taking part in the LGMS layout at the show, and BMR will be covering the event for a show report. If you see me out and about (likely wearing a BMR shirt), say hello.
Brickworld Chicago attracts one of the biggest gatherings of LEGO train fans in North America. Th event has multiple layouts from various clubs as well as some great train activities.
Train Events:
Thursday 1pm – “Intro to LGMS” – Nirvana B
Thursday 3pm – “Train Round Table” – Nirvana C
Friday 1pm – “Intro to LGMS” – Nirvana A
Saturday 7pm – “Train Olympics” – CincyLUG train layout (Thanks Andy!)
Train Round Table: If you have topics identified for the round table, please email me in advance.
Community Train Yard:
For anyone bringing a train model and not having a dedicated layout or display space to display on, there will be a community train yard available this year to display your model.
If you are planning to have a train in the new Community Train Yard, please email your name, the train name, and its length to so organizers can plan on enough space for all the cool trains.
L-Gauge Modular Standard Decals for BMR Models
The objective of the L-Gauge Modular System (LGMS) is to provide a platform for realistic group layouts where a number of participants can bring LGMS modules to an event and assemble a coherent, reliable, and plausible layout suitable for public display, realistic operations and switching, or loop running where applicable.
LGMS uses a carefully designed set of standards for building layout modules so that every one is bringing a module can seamlessly mate up to any other module following the standards. The most up to date standard can be found on the LGMS website.
BMR is proud to support the L-Gauge Modular Standard with three new decals sets for BMR Premium Instruction Models. They are available for the Pullman PS-1 40ft Boxcar, the PCF 50ft Insulated Boxcar, and the Gunderson 60ft High Cube Boxcar.

Each decal set will come with an individual car number, so no two cars will have duplicates.
Profits from the sale of these decal sets will go to support
Happy Anniversary guys big fan of your work.