Hello everyone. It’s that Holiday time of year again. The air is turning colder, strings of lights are going up, and Christmas music is playing somewhere in the distance. Trains and the Holidays were made for each other. We here at Brick Model Railroader are getting into the Holiday spirit, and to start things off, we’re having our annual Black Friday Cyber Monday Weekend Sale!
We also have some important store updates, so please read until the end.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale
Starting Black Friday, November 26th at 12am save 10% on all our Locomotive, Freight Car, Passenger Car, and Caboose Premium Instructions. All Decals will also be 10% off. The discount will automatically be added to your cart. $10.00 Minimum purchase, sale ends at at 11:59pm Monday November 29th (EST times). Just visit our the BMR Store at the link below and start shopping.
So you want more? Well we have a special bonus for you. The first 50 orders this weekend will receive a free Brick Model Railroader Swag Pack. It’s filled with the following goodies.
- Brick Model Railroader printed 2×4 Tile (first time we’ve done the 2×4)
- BMR Pin
- Special BMR Sticker
- BMR Refrigerator Magnet

The Swag Pack will not show up in your cart at checkout, we’ll add it to your order afterwards.
We will also have full restocks of all our Premium Instruction Kits.
And did we mention that we offer Gift Cards?
BMR Shirts are BACK!
You heard that correct. We’ve brought back Brick Model Railroader shirts. We’ve teamed up with Printify, an on demand printing service to bring back BMR shirts. We have two Tees to choose from. First is the Gildan Ultra Cotton. It’s a good quality shirt that’s not too expensive. The second is a Comfort Color shirt. It’s a premium quality shirt, fits great and is super soft and comfortable. I have a few railroad shirts that are Comfort Color and they are by far my favorite make of Tee I own.
And it’s not just T-shirts this time. We also have long sleeve T-shirts, Hoodies, Hat’s Tumblers, and Mugs.
Some shirts colors or sizes may be temporarily out of stock with our printer, so if you don’t see something available, just check back at a later date to see if it’s in stock again.

Premium Instruction Kits Price Increase
As many of you are surely aware, the cost of goods had steadily risen recently. We here at BMR are not immune to this. Many of the components and materials used in making our Premium Instruction Kits have gone up. From the parts used to make our ball bearing wheel sets, to the labels we put on the box, we’ve been paying more this year to produce our products. While we try to keep our retail prices as affordable as we can, we have made some price adjustments recently to keep up with production costs.
However, coming next year, we will likely be seeing our biggest production cost increase. Printing our instruction books.
As some of you may be aware, we have had our instruction book printed through our friends at Brickmania. They have done excellent work for us and have treated us well on printing costs. However starting in January BKM will no longer be taking on outside printing jobs so they can focus on their own printing needs. This means we will be switching printers for our BMR instruction books beginning in 2022. Don’t worry, we have some good contacts and are already 95% certain we have a new printer lined up. What this means though is that our printing costs for our books are very likely to go up. That is just something beyond our control and a reality of our current market.
While we don’t have firm numbers yet, we know that it is inevitable that we will need to raise prices on out Premium Instruction kits to keep up. However there is some good news. Brickmania will still be printing for us through the end of December, so until then, our current prices will stay where they are. If you’ve been on the fence about getting one of our instruction kits, now is a great time to do so, especially with the Black Friday Discount this weekend.
Production Delays
In addition to costs rising as mentioned above, this year has also brought the difficulty of just getting components. Stocks of some parts are non existent, and even when you can get them, they take longer to get. Our book printing has been delayed due to paper shortages. We’ve had to source axles and bearings from other suppliers. Without this stuff we can’t assemble our Premium Instruction Kits. Rest assured that we at BMR are doing everything we can to get what we need to produce our products in a timely manner. But we ask you to be patient with us this Holliday season. If it takes a few extra days, or a week or two to ship your order, it’s not because we’re not trying. We genuinely may not have the product to ship right away because of circumstances beyond our control. But we will ship your order, and do it as soon as we possibly can.
Sneak Peak at Our Next Premium Instructions
Finally, we’ll leave you with this sneak peak at our latest Primeum Instructions model coming soon. The National Steel Car Co. NWA33 class All-Purpose 3-Unit Well Car designed by Chris Stone. Additional we have instructions coming for the 20ft and 40ft Smooth Side Containers, 53ft Trailers, and 48ft and 53ft Insulated Containers seen loaded on the well car set. Look for more details in the near future for these models.

And with that, we wish every one a Happy Thanksgiving here in the US, and Happy Hollidays to all.
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