Hello to our Brick Model Railroader fans. We want to update you on shipping delays we are currently experiencing with our Premium Instruction products. Specifically, we are experiencing a temporary shortage in the bearings we use to make our custom wheel sets included in each kit. On November 1st, we ordered bearings from our normal supplier for our upcoming release of the AAR 53ft 70 Ton Flat Car, as well as our restocks of the USRA Hopper and ACF Type 27 Tank Car. At the time, we thought our order would arrive in it’s entirety well before our release date, as they have in the past. This unfortunately was not the case. We are not sure what went wrong, but our supplier shipped us less than half of our order.
We contacted our supplier several times to resolve the issue, and we were assured that the rest of the order would be coming in time. So far, we have not received these bearings and have no idea if they are even coming. We have been shipping kits with the bearings our supplier did send, but we have now exhausted that supply and can wait no longer. Earlier this week, we began ordering the bearings we need from a new supplier, so that we can finish our remaining stock of Premium Instruction kits and provide an adequate stock of Assembled Wheel Sets for our store, to fill orders in the immediate future. We hope to have this new order of bearings sometime next week.
We are very sorry for this delay in shipping BMR Premium Instructions and Wheel Sets to those who have ordered. We have been let down by our previous supplier, but even worse is the delay in filling orders from you, our loyal supporters. We find this totally unacceptable and will be working to ensure a problem such as this does not happen again.
On the bright side, we have been able to ship a majority of the orders we’ve received since the release of the of the AAR Flat Car. The few remaining orders we have yet to ship will go out as soon as humanly possible once our new order of bearings come in next week. We have contacted the customers who are affected, so If you have an order with us and have not received an email, you can rest assured your order is on it’s way to you. For the affected customers, we can’t guarantee delivery by Christmas but will do our best. If you are giving one of our kits as a gift, please contact us and we will try to work something out.
Again, we apologize for this delay. We will be doing our best to correct this issue and make sure it does not happen in the future.
Thank you for supporting Brick Model Railroader.
Cale Leiphart
BMR Creator