We’re coming to BrickFair Virginia!
Brick Model Railroader will be at BrickFair in Chantilly, Virginia, August 2nd to 6th. I’ll be there with my club PennLUG and our train layout for the weekend. I will also have 10 of our Pullman PS-1 Premium Instructions for sale at the yard sale Thursday and Saturday nights, as well as decal sets, and stickers. So stop by, talk trains, buy some stuff to support BMR and enjoy the event.

Pullman PS-1 Premium Instructions Update

If you haven’t noticed, we’re finally caught up on the backlog of orders for our Pullman PS-1 Premium Instructions. The initial run of 20 sold out immediately, and we were very happy, and quite surprised. After a wait for some more bearings to ship in, we made up an additional 40 kits to fill back orders and to stock our store. They’ve been selling quite well. In fact, they may all be sold out by the time you read this, there are only two left at the time of writing. Don’t worry too much though, as I said above we will have some additional Instruction Kits available at BrickFair Virginia, August 2nd to 6th. If we have any left, we’ll put them up in our online store after the event.

So will we be restocking the car in the future? The answer is yes, but not right away. We’re still a small little LEGO trains website and we want to concentrate our limited resources at the moment on our next instruction kit, the USRA 55 ton Hopper. So, once the Brickfair kits are sold out, the PS-1 will be unavailable. But not forever, we do want to bring it back, possibly by the end of the year.

Once we get back from BrickFair, we’ll be turning our attention to the next Instruction kit, the USRA hopper. Expect more details on that car soon. And we have many other cars, structures, and other items we want to do in the planning stages. And yes, we ARE planning to release a locomotive kit. We’ve also restarted talks about selling BMR t-shirts. We’re just getting started on all this, and of course we’ll continue to bring you all the LEGO train news and articles we can.

We were a little apprehensive and appropriately cautious when we started thinking about selling instruction kits. We had no idea what we would sell, who would buy, or how much we would sell them for. You guys, the awesome Lego train community, proved that there is indeed a market for this stuff. We want to thank you personally for your support, but we’re just getting started.
Cale and Glenn
“The BMR Guys”
is it possible if I could buy one on the public days?
I sent you an email.
Looking forward to seeing you guys at Brickfair. Any chance you will have bearings? My last order was short one and I was hoping to pick one up. Thanks!
Sorry about the missing bearing Scott. I can replace that for you, just see me at Brickfair sometime.
State of Maine! Yes!