We have been getting a lot of positive comments and seeing a lot of excitement about the coming release of our first run of “premium instructions.” We feel that we now have all the important details in place, so we would like to clarify some of the questions we have been receiving in a little more detail.

When will the premium instructions be released?
We will officially be launching the premium boxcar instructions on Friday, April 21, 2017 at 3:00 PM EST. As we are going to launch during the time of Philly Brickfest this year, and given that the attending representatives of BMR are all in PennLUG, we feel this will give us enough time to set up our layout before the public begins approaching us about buying instructions.
What will be included in “premium instructions”?
Premium instructions will include:
- Printed instructions, part list, and a detailed article giving some history of the prototype
- Custom elements. In the case of the boxcar, this includes Brickarms elements used as detailing, and pre-installed ball bearings in the trucks
- Wheel sets
- Custom box with cover art, as shown above
We will be selling the boxcar premium instructions for $30 USD each.
Will the premium instructions be for sale at Philly Brickfest only?
No. We will have 20 instructions sets for sale, both online and in person at the convention. The instructions will be sold on a strict first-come-first-served basis. We will be keeping a close eye for online orders, to assure fairness in that regard.
If I am ordering online, how should I do that?
If you are ordering premium instructions online, you can go through the BMR Bricklink shop. A little more information on the Bricklink shop is posted below. Shipping cost for online orders is yet to be determined.
Can I pre-order my premium boxcar instructions?
For the first run, no. When we sell out, we will keep a list of pre-orders for the next run.
Will you have anything else for sale?
Yes. When we release the premium boxcar instructions for sale, we will also be accepting pre-orders for our first BMR T-shirt design. You will be able to pre-order through our Bricklink shop as well. We will also have 3 x 3 inch stickers for sale, featuring the BMR wheel logo.
In the long-term, we plan to release more premium instructions for many different models, as well as some other cool items. Nothing is set in stone yet, but the wheels are definitely turning here at BMR HQ.
What if I miss out on getting one of the first 20 instruction kits?
No worries! After we run out of instructions, we will still be accepting pre-orders for our second run. These will also be fulfilled first-come-first-served, and we will begin working on these sometime after Philly Brickfest wraps up.
What’s that number in the bottom left of the box cover?
That’s the set serial number. The numbers represent:
Since we will be having 20 kits for sale, our first run will include serial numbers 001-001-001 through 001-001-020.
001-001-000 is our demonstrator, which we will use to showcase the kit at Philly Brickfest. We also have some kits reserved for contributors of BMR, which will be marked with a “C” on the end.
Where is the link to the BMR Bricklink shop?
There’s a good reason why I didn’t include a link in this post, and that’s because we don’t have one set up yet! We are working to set up a new BMR email, which will be used for the Bricklink shop only. When our shop is live, we will update the “Support BMR” page with a link, as well as some photos and descriptions of what we are currently selling. The official launch article, which will include a link to our Bircklink shop, photos of the premium instructions, t-shirts, and stickers will be posted at that time.
Hopefully this answers most questions. If not, you can leave a comment or contact us directly.
BMR will also be setting up a YouTube channel sometime before Philly Brickfest as well. We plan to have an introduction video, as well as a review of the boxcar premium instructions when our channel goes live. There will also be a video about Philly Brickfest, which will be uploaded after the convention ends. We’ll update the “Follow BMR” page accordingly.
The first day of Philly Brickfest is only 17 days away, and we’ve been working hard to make sure everything is set for our first convention. As of right now, we have all of the components ordered, and we should be getting the boxes and printing the instructions this week. We’re really excited, and hopefully you guys are too.
I’m hoping to be able to grab one off of the Bricklink store as I will not be able to attend the show. One question – do you have steps in place to prevent somebody from grabbing all 20 sets in one order?